I Have A Powerful Last Name, and I Finally Realized it

As I recently turned 27, I wanted to finally write this.

I do not have an ordinary last name.

I used to hate my last name. It only stood for its connoted and denoted meanings which from my experience, meant being called some interesting things, or certain assumptions be made. I didn’t know what microaggressions were until after I left college, but man did I feel them.

A typical exchange went a little something like this:

“Your name is Mario Sultan?

“Are you Muslim? Wait…Catholic, really?

“But Mario is an Italian name…

**often some comment about my skin color**

And of course, the classic – “do you have a brother named Luigi?” ha ha ha ha…

I suppose people really need a label to sleep well at night. How could they not interrogate this culturally ambiguous person?

So many other factors contributed to my disdain for the name Sultan. I found it extremely difficult as a mechanical engineer trying to apply for internships/any position. Mind you, every engineering company in Brevard County is defense or aerospace. Therefore try to picture this Mario SULTAN applying to defense contracting positions that are clearance-path eligible or eventually required. Maybe it was all in my head.

My family drama also didn’t help and was among the biggest reason for not liking it.

I would cringe or unconfidently state my name when asked, or just use Mario. Until…

Several months ago I heard on a random podcast, the speaker explain,

“I do not have an ordinary last name. It is a powerful last name.”

SULTAN is not ordinary. A simple reframe, or redefining the name from one of weakness to what the name truly signifies. Power.

Here is the definition of the name.



(Kramers, J.H.; Bosworth, C.E.; Schumann, O.; Kane, Ousmane, “Sulṭān,” Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition, Brill, 2012)

A sultan is a strong and firm spiritual leader. Spirit in regards to humanity’s understanding of the Divine; a depth of life beyond normal understanding. Sultans are leaders of change. They have authority. And they are respected.

Sultan means King in most definitions, but I mostly resonate with a different type of power; one much stronger than ruler. I possess an authority in wisdom, and in the service of good for those around me.

No man can ever overthrow that authority.

Lion dark background unplash

So now I live into my family name.

I emphasize the SULTAN.

I want people to think and know what that name means when they encounter me. To know the kind of man I am and my values, reflected by the name. Long live the Sultans.

Keep me accountable.


Mario Sultan

Mario Sultan signature
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