February 3, 2025
Polarized thought is the murderer of the spirit of the world.
It is only in darkness that we see the extremes of black or white, where a medium is devoid of color. Color is only seen in the light. We are in the darkness and will remain there should be choose it.
Why is it true that once in the light, color is observed? Instead of two options, we see infinite colors? Once in the light, we could no longer reenter the darkness and no longer see such a small number of possibilities. Life acts in such a way.
How can we then claim something to be one way when very clearly we see the truth in others, often equally so? How would you label it; change or compromise? Compromise is passive. Change is an active choice. Once exposed to the light, I changed. I did not compromise. There is a stark difference.
Tyranny (or plainly, dictatorships) take away our freedom to choose, to change, and to see the light. They cut off all light so as to obscure the spectrum of what is or often point the little light and attention to one way, thus creating the impression of singularity.
We are living in a regime of dictatorship and like the boiling of a frog, it has been occurring long before we realized our situation. The water is boiling people.
the “peace” in compromising
Polarization carries such a false sense of peace. It is easy to see two options; to choose one, and ignore the other.
When you are presented with the enormity of what life expresses, it is impossible to believe in one particular thing. The argument of standing for nothing leads to falling for anything is an argument used to weaponize true awareness. Since when has being awakened to truth become a terrible act that ought to be fought against, squashed or eradicated? Is being woke to the truths of the world going to destroy it? Come on.
I chose to change my beliefs, rather than compromise values based on regurgitated dogma or groups of people who had no business making such claims. My feelings were triggered by a massive personal and faith crises, and the harsh confrontation of a world I never interacted with before and one which I was very unfamiliar with.
Once there [at this point of realization], it offers a person two options – to embrace this new and uncomfortable information, or to ignore it after having just discovered a secret the world just revealed.
The former is hard yet liberating in time; the latter is easy in immediate ways but ultimately the hardest to ignore. Like an affair, or a dark secret, it haunts.
how we move past this
Are you strong enough to see a light in all people, all beliefs, all religions, all cultures, all love, [and on and on]? Or are you so afraid to see this truth? After all, it is a scary feeling.
The first step to embracing light is to acknowledge how a person has been living in some sort of darkness. My life had been void of light in some ways, and therefore led me to make decisions from a place of its absence.
So I urge you – recognize where you are in the spectrum of our life and society, and be open to the possibility of there being light in spaces you have no experience in. Be open to seeing light and spirit in spaces where others ARE the light in those spaces. There are such blinded individuals and leaders who are trying to get you to refuse the presence of light.
Your hate is murdering the Spirit of the World, and it is time to change.
In Peace,