There are forces we cannot understand that drive us

There are forces we cannot understand that drive us. Forces like gravity where you cannot see it but is absolutely present. I am talking about the force that pulls you back to consistency, complacency, comfort, the path of least resistance, you get the idea.

Here, I am talking about Resistance, that Steven Pressfield has discussed in his books. It is the concept of an internal force that prevents people from doing their most important work. Of course, there are forces of good that we do not understand that also drive us. But they are at constant tension.

To me, it feels like a race that never ends. The moment you take a break, you get passed. Or you begin to relax and so begins the slow journey back to reversion.

In my head, this force is also accompanied by a small voice that echoes the tune of “you’re falling back to your old ways, mario” or “you thought you could escape this, hahahaha” as I revert.

The force is hard to fight and I am still figuring out how to escape its force field. I haven’t reached escape velocity quite yet, but getting there…

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