What do you do?
I’ve been going to many Yale entrepreneurship events and I’ve had the pleasure of networking with so many people. And the one question that is always asked is what do you do for work? And I seem to have a different answer every time I’m asked.
Some versions include simply engineering or figuring things out. I’ve tried to explain my bigger mission of creating systems to make engineering/technical creation more access. What does that even mean? I find myself just push pushing smoke out of my ass. I technically am an entrepreneur, but I don’t have a business that makes money, yet. So does that make me an entrepreneur?
I used to think and in ways still do think that I’m missing some puzzle piece to this whole mastery that is entrepreneurship. I think many people think that. Many believe that once they have this abstract missing piece that they would figure it out, that it would all work out. I must be getting wiser because I was beginning to realize that I may be over complicating things. The dumber I get the more insight I have. Or in other words, the less thinking I do or a decrease in the “reflective façade,” the more clarity I obtain.
I’ve also been seeing this analogy about ADHD circulating on social media being related to those multicolored pens that you must select one color at a time for it to work. Trying to push more than one of them at once blocks the pen. In a similar way, I believe that’s how many brains with ADHD or ADD function. So that makes me wonder what it would be like to maintain only one thought at a time. What would it be like to focus on one project at a time? One element of business at a time? Attempting to focus on many ideas creates a bottleneck and therefore a lack of actionable results.

Source: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/ySUAAOSwwl9c29T7/s-l400.png
I am no different than any successful entrepreneur and yet I am different otherwise I would be exactly where I want to be. So what are the differences?
This is where I need to focus my energy on. To literally focus my energy – focus it on one piece of advice, on one project, on one goal, on one action per time allotment. Radical focus.
Imagine a scenario where I showed up to one of those networking events with the CEOs and I had my business up and running. Imagine I was there to scope out like-minded people to help with the mission. I was one of those CEOs already… And imagine I had to give an elevator pitch explaining what I do.
What would it be? How would I act?